“Aakanksha” a school for Mentally disabled & handicapped children.
It was born in 1994. This was the first special school in Chhattisgarh. At present it is being run by Lions Club, Raipur Sewa Samiti a registered body. It is affiliated and registered under the following – Society Registration Act 1861, Person with Disability Act – 1995, Panchayat & social welfare department, Govt. of Chhattisgarh Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI), New Delhi , IGNOU-NCDS New Delhi. Its objective is to enhance abilities of children with special needs for self dependence through need based intervention services like special education, various therapies and behavior modification principles.
77000 Sq.ft. Land was allotted by Chhattisgarh Government for the school premises in Raipur. Godawari Power and Ispat Limited have donated Rs. Two crores for the construction of institute’s building. Every year running cost which includes smooth functioning of Aakanksha (maintenance, academic requirements and different functions of the institute is also borne by Godawari Power and Ispat Limited which comes to around 12 Lakhs.